Physical development

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Physical development

  1. girls develop physically sooner than boys; changes take place in body proportions, size and appearance; the long bones of the legs and arms grow very rapidly, face takes as its adult shape and reach their maximum adult height and gains weight because of growth of fat tissues,
  2. the onset of puberty is most obvious; primary and secondary sex characteristics develop fully
  3. a girl have broader hips, smaller waistline and wider shoulder and further growth in height stops suddenly on achieving sexual maturity while among boys shoulders broaden and hair appears as the face, sexual maturity of boys does stop their growth, there is continuous increase in weight and strength
  4. Skin changes result in acne, the most universal physical plague of the early adolescents
  5. Late adolescents take the appearance of an adult physically

These physical changes are accompanied by physiological status including basal metabolism, blood pressure, respiratory volume and changes in muscular strength, etc.

These bodily changes affect the adolescents a lot; their clothes out grow very quickly and hence need to be selected very carefully. Their clothes should be designed or selected to allow for the change in size besides being as per their taste. Particular care is required in case of girls who have marked growth in bust that sometimes makes her embarrassed about her development. Hence their clothes must minimize bust rather than to emphasize. This can be done by use of appropriate undergarments and proper selection of clothes like by using Jersey bra and two piece dresses rather than one pieces dress.

Some times growth features grow reverse in case of boys and girls; development of feminine characteristics in boys like slender shoulders, wide hips and wide shoulder, thin hips and a flat chest in girls. Such cases require special attention while choosing garment like choosing clothing with extra padding or stiffeners at different portion to achieve normal contours.

Last modified: Monday, 30 January 2012, 1:38 PM