Social role and status

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Social role and status

  1. become autonomous; moves out of the home circle; more importance is placed on one's role in life
  2. work habits become more defined and are more concerned for the future; role confusion and inability to choose vocation creeps in
  3. select and follow adult role models; gradually develops a set of ideals resulting in the formation of personal and social identity
  4. morals, values, and self-direction are followed; social and cultural traditions gain importance i.e., social life has a special importance
  5. peer relationships remain important and take an appropriate place among other interests; provides emotional support and contribute to his or her physical and emotional well-being but face difficulty in forming proper friendship

Thus socially the individual is continuing to grow away from the family, the peer group becomes even more important than their initial years, they become more personal in their relationship with others and above all they become extremely sensitive to the opinion and approval of others. They are very cautious of their appearance which they usually improve on by their clothes and accessories. Adolescents want to dress up like others so that they are well and are not being laughed as one of the primary requirements of clothing for the young adolescents is that their clothing needs the approval of the peer group.

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 5:15 AM