Emotional development and mental state

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Emotional development and mental state

  1. the period of transition from childhood to adult independence
  2. personality develops; put emphasis on self-appraisal; increased emphasis on personal dignity and self-esteem
  3. establish a unique personality; inherent behavior, special interests, likes and dislikes
  4. individuation process initiates; increase the psychological distance between themselves and their parents
  5. separation anxiety and sense of loneliness develops
  6. want to spend time alone; day dream about their future life
  7. intellectual interests expand and gain importance in life
  8. short sightedness; interested in present, limited thoughts of future
  9. emotional chaos creates negativities at both body and psyche level like change in dietary pattern, depression or anxiety; negative emotions are tremendously powerful
  10. conflicts at adolescence in teenagers and adolescents are more mental than physical
  11. period of considerable stress; tendency to return to childish behaviour, particularly when stressed among early adolescents that tends to reduce with age
  12. display shyness, blushing and modesty; increased interest in the opposite sex so are concerned about physical and sexual attractiveness to others
  13. interests and clothing style influenced by peer group

This ambiguous stage in life when the adolescents are neither considered child nor adult makes him confused and uncertain about himself. They become temperamental and swing from one intensity of mood to another every now and then. So at this stage their clothing problems need to be tackled very carefully to avoid any complexity of emotional problems.

Last modified: Monday, 30 January 2012, 1:42 PM