Role and Responsibilities of a Merchandiser

Retailing and Merchandising in Textiles and Appare 3(2+1)

Lesson 13 : Merchandising

Role and Responsibilities of a Merchandiser

In order to fully appreciate the blend of characteristics and traits that are needed for an effective merchandiser, it is important to understand the re­sponsibilities the job entails. Depending upon the size and structure of a com­pany, the merchandiser may be responsible for some or all of the functions shown in following figure:


A merchandiser must have an intimate and comprehensive knowledge of his or her company's target market. In 100 percent of the companies surveyed (see 2002 Merchandising Survey, Appendix), the merchandisers in apparel companies and product managers in retail have responsibilities for knowledge of consumer preferences for silhouettes, colors, fabrics, and trims.

  • Regular visits to retail accounts and meetings with buyers and store managers are necessary in order for the merchandiser to monitor the pulse of the market.
  • Some merchandisers use focus groups to provide them with information about changes in the factors that affect customer satisfaction or to test new styling concepts. Focus groups are a cross section of con­sumers from a specific target market who meet with market research professionals to discuss their preferences.
  • Shopping the competition is also an effective means of evaluating styling strengths and weaknesses. This involves the merchandiser vis­iting retail stores that carry competitors' products to analyze their de­ sign trends and pricing.
  • Styling services and styling consultants can dramatically reduce the amount of time required of a merchandiser in researching a target mar­ket. These services may utilize large staffs located in key geographical areas to perform market research and summarize the results in cus­tomized reports for a merchandiser. They may also provide styling sug­gestions concerning silhouette, fabric, and color direction.
    Researching past sales records is also an effective means of detecting styling trends. Analyzing the past sales history of style categories, silhouettes, fabrics, and colors may provide insight into shifts in con­sumer preferences. Role and responsibilities of a merchandiser
  • Progressive companies create Web sites targeted at their consumers as a way of monitoring trend shifts. Consumers can log on to the com­pany's Web site to see new styles and provide instantaneous feedback.
    • Merchandisers must also stay current with the textile markets. They must keep up with the newest fiber developments, fabric constructions; fabric fin­ishes, color trends, and print direction in order to guide the product develop­ment process.
    • Changes in the retailing environment can have a profound effect on mer­chandising decisions. Retail strategies and retail opportunities for growth must be under the constant scrutiny of merchandisers.
Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 6:48 AM