Graphic Applications

Audio Video Recording And Editing 4(1+3)

Lesson 14 : Importance of Graphic Design video production

Graphic Applications

There are two basic types of graphic applications: bitmap and vector formats. Bitmap applications include photoshop, painter and coreldraw. Bitmap images are made up of a fine grid of inidivdual pixels. Each pixel may be a different color. The combination of pixel color intensities in red, gren and blue will give the desired color, just as the screen on a video monitor provides many different colors from the combination of different intensities of the red, green, and blue guns in the cathode ray tube (CRT). To produce a graphic bitmap, the application provides a series of tools to modify or edit the arrangement of pixels. Some of the tools are paintbrush, pencil, airbrush, cloning, color adjustment, masks, filters and the ability to build layers with different objects in each unique layer. Bitmap graphic may be as simple as a single frame of the type or as complex as the removal of wires and unwanted building in a science fiction motion picture like Matrix series (2002-2003).

Vector applications include illustrator and freehand. The vector graphic is determined by connecting strategically placed points on lines. Moving the lines at the point of contact creates a mathematical formula that determines the shape of the figure. The line may be connected, forming a shape that may be filled with color, texture, or gradients among other aspects. Each object is an individual item in the frame. The curves created by bending the lines into forms are called Bezier curves. Text can be converted to vector files and shapes and may be grouped and locked together. Layers and filters are available to build special forms and images. Vector files tend to be smaller than bitmap files.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 7:26 AM