Growing importance of communication in organizations

Lesson 2 : Communication

Growing importance of communication in organizations

  1. Co-ordination:The modern complex organizations are large in size having a large number of people working in the organization to achieve common goals. The organizational structure shows many levels of organization hierarchy. This leads to the problem of coordination.i.e understanding and synchronizing the actioities of various groups in the organizations. An effective system of communication promotes better coordina­tion. Coordination is necessary between groups; every member in in the organization should knowing his own as well as the others role and co-ordination is about understanding how each ones role will affects that of the other and channels are essential for the efficient functioning of the entire organization. It is the communication which promotes better coordination.

  2. Smooth Working:Smooth and uninterrupted working of an enterprise is to a great extent dependent on good communication network. Corrective decision-making and efficiency of the organization is based on information supply. If the messages are not flowing freely across the organization, smooth functioning and unre­stricted working of the organization are not possible.

  3. Effective Decision-Making:Facts and figures of past and present are to be provided for quick and effective decision-making. An effective communication network which supplies information helps in arriving at quick decisions. Problem-defining, alternative courses of action selecting the best course of action are all possible only with necessary information supplied to the decision-maker.

  4. Managerial Efficiency:Management is an art of getting things done through other people; it is communication that educates people working in the organization about the goals, policies and targets by issuing orders and instructions orally as well as in written form. Therefore managerial efficiency lies in the way the manager communicates with the individual or group in an organization.

  5. Co-operation:Co-operation among worker, are possible only with the exchange of information between individuals and groups and between the management and the employee’s co-operation promotes industrial peace and maximum production. There can be no mutual understanding and co-operation without communication. Faith and confidence would be promoted when there is a smooth flow of communication. In short, communication promotes co-operation and understand­ing among employees.

  6. Effective Leadership: A leader leads his followers through a continuous process of communication. Communication is the basis for directing, and motivating the follower and the followers in turn follow him by conveying ideas, opinions, feelings, and facts. Thus, transmission and reception ensure a two-way traffic, of communication. A manager with good communication can become a successful leader.

  7. Job Satisfaction: When the flow of communication is smooth the employees understand what is required by the management. This in turns helps employees to do their jobs well.Two-way among communication between management and workers creates confidence which leads to job satisfaction among employees. Openness and frank expression of opinions from both sides lead to job satisfaction.

  8. Increases Productivity:It is through communication that the workers can be well informed about the process of production, new methods of production and the activities of the workers in a similar organization. Thus, a good system of communication helps the management to achieve maximum productivity with minimum cost, and by elimination of waste.

  9. Morale Building:when clear instructions are given to the employees it is easy to achieve the goals of the organization. In turn the management needs to appreciate the work of the employees. An effective system of communication builds good morale and improves human relations. Participatory communication is the best technique of morale building and motivation.

  10. Achieving Managerial Roles: A manager normally performs three roles. i.e. inter-personal roles, informa­tional roles and decisional role. Communication plays a vital role in these three types of roles. In the case of inter-personal role a manager has to interact with the subordinates. In the information role, a manager has to collect information from various people and supply it to others both inside and outside the organization. A Manager in a decisional role takes important and decisions based on the interpersonal and informational communication.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 8:45 AM