
Lesson 46 : Channels of Communication for Homestead Technology


In order to transfer homestead technologies communication plays a very important role. Although you have studied in detail communication in general, in this class we will understand how the channels of communication play an important role in transferring homestead technology.

  1. Categorizing communication channels
    It is often difficult to distinguish between the source of a message and the channel that carries the message. A source is an individual or an institution that originates the message. A channel is the means by which a message gets from the source to the receiver.

  2. Communication channels are categorized into
    1. Interpersonal versus mass media
    2. Localite versus cosmopolite

    These channels play different roles in creating knowledge versus persuading individuals to change their attitude toward an innovation.

  3. Mass media channels
    Mass media channels are all those means of transmitting messages that involve a mass medium, such as radio, television, film, newspapers and magazines which enable a source of one or a few individuals to reach an audience of many. Mass media communication is sometimes labeled ‘’mediated’’ or interposed because of the print or electronic channel which links the source to the receiver. Mass media can
    1. R each a large audience rapidly
    2. Create knowledge and spread information
    3. Lead to changes in weakly held attitudes
  4. The formation and change of strongly held attitudes is best accomplished by interpersonal channels.

  5. Interpersonal channels
    These are those that involve a face-to face exchange between two or more individuals. These channels have greater effectiveness in the face of resistance or apathy on the part of the communicate.
Last modified: Thursday, 2 February 2012, 5:35 AM