Localite versus Cosmopolite Channels

Lesson 46 : Channels of Communication for Homestead Technology

Localite versus Cosmopolite Channels

Cosmopolite channels are relatively more important at the knowledge stage, and localite channels are relatively more important at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision process. Cosmopolite communication channels are those from outside the social system being investigated; other channels about new ideas reach individuals from sources inside their social system. Interpersonal channels may be either local or cosmopolite, while mass media channels are almost cosmopolite. The role played by mass media channels in developed countries (creating awareness-knowledge) is perhaps partly replaced by cosmopolite-interpersonal channels in developing countries. These channels include change agents, visits outside the local community, and visitors to the local system from the city.

Last modified: Thursday, 2 February 2012, 5:43 AM