Module 4. Design aspects of dairy plant
Lesson 22

22.1 Introduction

Layout of offices for general manager, managers, supervisors and technical officers are planned in a such a way, so that all the processing operations can be monitored from the glass window of the offices. Further the locations and layout of the process control room should be in the center of the processing sections, so that instructions can be given to the operator after visual monitoring of the activities. The location of the workshops for the repair and maintenance should be near to the major sections where it is required e.g. near boiler section, near refrigeration section etc. The layout of offices and workshops should permit easy operations and monitoring.

22.2 Office Layouts and Their Linking With Dairy Plants

A dairy factory will not have only technical, dairy professionals, operators, skilled and unskilled workers, but will also have staff personnel not directly concerned with plant, but very much associated with dairy. This staff looks after all activities of dairy such as administration, milk procurement, processing, dispatch, distribution, sales and marketing of products, establishment, finance and accounts, H.R.D., security (watch and ward) and management in general.

This staff requires office accommodation comprising number of rooms properly linked. For employee comforts and convenience, staff canteen, toilets, reception lounge have also to be provided. Size of office varies with the capacity of the plant. A small dairy may have small office as number of activities will be less. Medium size dairy plant will have bigger office as compared with small dairy. In this number of activities will be more and plant may be manufacturing more products. Accordingly, staff will increase. A large dairy will still have large office with large number of staff employed. Before deciding number of rooms in office and space requirement, it is essential to know the activities, number of departments and persons who can handle the work, as number of persons employed will determine the area and room needed by them.

A small dairy may have sections or departments viz milk procurement, milk processing, milk dispatch and distribution, sales and marketing, advertising, sanitary control and hygiene, security (watch and ward), establishment, finance and accounts, dairy technology and dairy engineering.

Medium dairy will have all above departments, but there may be addition of two or more sections, such as labour welfare department (office), human resource development (H.R.D. section), personnel department etc. Large number of employee and labour justifies the existence and importance of additional sections mentioned above.

In small dairy office, there will be one Manager who will be assisted by various Sectional Heads with suitable designations. Each Sectional Incharge will have 2 or 3 Assistants/Clerks and one Peon or Attendant. All staff will be housed in a separate building or block which will be suitably linked with dairy, except for security office which will be located near the entrance or gate of the factory. Officer Incharge of a particular section will have his room next to his working section for easy approach and supervisory reasons. For instance, Accounts Officers’ room will be immediately next to Accounts Department or Section.

Medium-sized dairy plant may have one General Manager, one Deputy General Manager, one Manager, three Deputy Managers, six Assistant Managers, twelve Sectional Heads with suitable designations and three Assistants or Clerks with two Peons or Attendants in each section.

Accommodation for all these staff members has to be provided and carefully planned keeping logic in mind. Sufficient space has to be provided for walk wsays, passages, corridors and reception lounge with visitor’s waiting room.

Large dairy plant will have big office layout with large number of employees at different levels to manage various department. Staff pattern in large dairy organizations is somewhat different from other two small and medium size dairy plants. Here above General Manager, there is Managing Director, Board of Directors presided over by Chairman of the company. While deciding accommodation and room layout for office of this magnitude, it is essential to make provision for Chairman’s office, Board Room (Conference Room), Guest Room / Guest House etc. It is a good practice to work out detail staff required at all levels in the factory including office and plant works. The organization chart may be drawn, which will give clear picture of staff position. Accordingly, office layout can be prepared. Refer Part B of the book chapter titled ‘Office Layouts’.
Last modified: Wednesday, 26 September 2012, 10:18 AM