Types of Human interest copy

Digital Advertising
Lesson 10: Advertisement Copy

Types of Human interest copy

Humorous : Produces amusement, laughter, wit, fun and ludicrocy, but one has to be cautious while writing; it may turn to offensive and vulgarity which may lead to repelling response.


Fear : Provides a feeling of insecurity – economic, social, physical, psychological. It appeals to the sense of fear and arouses keen interest in protecting property, life and day - to - day needs .


Predicament : It overlaps the above three types with a fictionalized account of the situation. It demonstrates product in use, as narrative type. It highlights a consumer predicament, discovers a solution, resolves the predicament and then suggests the product use. (Video)

Story : of past, present and future. The story can be a success or a failure about a product or service .



Last modified: Saturday, 29 October 2011, 9:46 AM