Educational programmes of AIR cover a wide spectrum, primary, secondary, tertiary and university levels. Enrichment programmes are also broadcast for teachers.
spheres of educational broadcasts. Special science cells have been set up in most of the major stations of the country to improve the quantity and quality of science programmes.
All important sports events are also given due coverage by AIR. Apart from these, programmes for youth, Senior Citizens, industrial workers are being broadcast by AIR.
Radio went through two changes in its transformation. They were the localization and specialization of program content. More of local programs were offered using local content. This helped in reaching out to their local audience. As radio programmes included local content, many special interest audiences were attracted to radio programs such as programs on folk songs, local or regional music programs, programs for women, youth, teen-age, children, religious groups, industrial workers, rural masses, and so on. As an advertising, medium also, it proved cheaper in reaching many of a time.