Identification of problems in achieving the objectives
In the process of programme planning, it is desirable to identify and to classify the problems properly at the family, village and block level. There may be many problems, but only the most urgent and significant ones which may be solved within the available resources and within time limits, should be selected.
Generally, in villages, rural problems identified can be classified into three categories.
Categories of Rural Problems
If the villagers and village institutions are able to classify their problems under such broad heads, it is easy to plan a clear cut programme for each individual, family or village as a whole. Under these conditions, the internal and external resources can be utilized economically and quicker results can be obtained. In the programme planning process it is also desirable to break up the complex problem step by step into simple problems. eg. the problem of poor village sanitation which is due to unclean surroundings, non availability of drainage pits and improper drains can be solved by splitting the problem into different steps such as:
Ist step: to organise cleanliness drives periodically in village
IInd step: to have a programme of forming soakage pits
IIIrd step: to have village drainage programme (drainage pits and drains).