Extension workers must have an adequate knowledge of cropping pattern, integrated farming system including what farmers produce, how and under what conditions they produce it and how the production can be stepped up to the maximum for the purpose of formulating plans at the village and block level. Extension worker must also possess information regarding mortality rate, sex ration and cultural taboos of areas. Therefore, it is of great importance that all extension workers- i.e. the Gram Sevaks, anganwadi worker, Extension specialists and BDOs must have:
- Basic Information about the village
This includes information on:
- Population
- Total number of families
- Number of farm families
- Other main occupations of the village
- Communication facility
- Education facility
- Medical aid facility
- Drinking water facility
- Market facility including banks
- Attitudes & beliefs of the rural population, social classes, formal and informal groups, local leaders etc.
- Nutrition situation (food habits, level of nutrition)
- Needs & interests of the people.
- Information about farm management and production programmes
- Total area under cultivation in the village
- Size of an average agricultural holding
- Types and quality of crops grown (crop rotation), types and quality of livestock
- Soil types (suitability for different crops) and problems connected with soil fertility, soil erosion, drainage, soil improvement etc.
- Cattle feeds (feed rations and crops grown as cattle feed etc.)
- Utilization of grass land (for cattle grazing)
- Diseases and pest control
- Types of agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizers pesticides etc.) available to the farmers and their cost.
- Agricultural machinery (traditional and improved agricultural implements)
- Climate, irrigation resources (types of irrigation, sources & problems) and drainage facility.
- Financial status of the farmers (long and short term debts, borrowed capital etc.)
- Credit facilities (source and facilities of serving credits)
- Position of labour problems of farm labour, landless labours in the village.
Analysis and evaluation of facts After collection of facts from different sources of information of the local situation, it needs to be analysed and evaluated with the help of the entire team of extension workers and people’s representatives to find out the reasons of the existing problems. Thus, it is desirable that the essential factual data collected by the workers is passed on to the village panchayat or Block Development Committee for review and action taken by them in deciding which needs of the village or block should be dealt first.