

  • Introduction to fish physiology
  • Water as a biological medium
  • Gases in air and water- Gas exchange
  • Respiration –Respiratory organs– Respiratory pigments
  • Gas exchange- Oxygen dissociation curve – carbon di oxide removal
  • Digestion – digestive fluids and enzymes
  • Blood circulation in finfishes – physiological regulation of cardio vascular system
  • Circulation in shellfishes
  • Excretion in finfish and shellfish
  • Osmoregulatory mechanism in finfish
  • Osmoregulation in shellfish
  • Excretion in finfish and shellfish
  • Reproductive physiology of finfish
  • Reproductive physiology of shellfish
  • Hormonal manipulation for maturation and spawning
  • Muscle physiology – General properties – contraction and relaxation
  • Nerve structure – Nerve physiology –Neurotransmitter substances in aquatic animals
  • Sense organs in fishes
  • Energy and nutritive status of food
  • Energy utilization
  • Nitrogen balanceexcretion
  • Standard and Active Metabolism
  • Effect of environmental factors on physiology of finfish
  • Effect of environmental factors on physiology of shellfish
  • Structure and functions of important endocrine glands – part I
  • Structure and functions of important endocrine glands - part-II
  • Stress related physiology changes
Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2011, 6:04 AM