

  • Estimation of oxygen consumption in fish.
  • Estimation of carbon dioxide output in fish.
  • Estimation of respiratory quotient in fishes.
  • Estimation of ammonia output in fish.
  • Estimation of ammonia quotient in fish
  • Blood collection from finfish.
  • Blood collection from shellfish
  • Red blood cell differentiation and counting.
  • Histology techniques - Collection and fixation of specimens
  • Histology techniques - Processing and sectioning
  • Histology techniques - Different kinds of staining
  • Histochemistry of pituitary glands
  • Influence of temperature on metabolic activity of fish.
  • Influence of salinity on metabolic activity of fish.
  • Estimation of chloride content in body fluids.
  • Study on the effect of pituitary extract in fishes.
Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2011, 6:04 AM