2.1.7. Respiration of water

2.1.7. Respiration of water

Some of the simplest arrangements for respiratory gas exchange are found in aquatic animals. Many small organism obtain oxygen by diffusion through their body surface, (protozoms) without having any specialized respiratory organs

$$FO_2 \ = \ {VC_2r^2 \over 6k}$$

Where FO2 concentration of O2 at surface in fractions of an atmosphere

VC2 rate of oxygen consumption Cm3 of tissue)

r = radius of the organism

k = Cm3 O2 diffused /Cm 2 area at / atm / Cm-1

and without circulating blood. Larger and most complex animals often have specialized surfaces for gas exchange and also a blood system to transport oxygen more rapidly than diffusion alone can provide.

Aquatic mollusks: extenedium

Birds human: ventilation lungs

Last modified: Friday, 30 December 2011, 6:33 AM