2.2.8. Crustaceans

2.2.8. Crustaceans

The circulatory system of crustaceans is extremely variable small crustaceans have pony developed circulatory systems, offer walkout any heart; large crustaceans, in particular deaponds (Lobster, crabs and gray fish) have well developed circulatory systems and blood with respiratory pigments (lemocyanin).

The dorsal heart of a large crustacean lies in a pericardial sinus from which, blood enters the heart through valued Ossia. From the heart there is usually a main artery running in the anterior and another on the posterior direction.

As the arteries are branched, the blood leaves the vessels and enter into the tissues to a system of ventral sinus from these the blood flows into the gills and then in discrete vessels back to the heart.

Last modified: Tuesday, 20 March 2012, 7:40 AM