

  1. EDTA (Ethylene di-amine tetra acetate) – As anticoagulant
  2. Ethyl alcohol – As fixing agent.
  3. Giemsa stock solution
    • Giemsa = 0.8 g
    • Glycerol = 50 ml
    • Methanol = 50 ml
    • Above three are well mixed and filtered
  4. Phosphate buffer
    • Na2HPO4 (0.2 m) = 2.8 g / 100 ml
    • Citric acid (0.1M) = 2.1 g / 100 ml
    • Mix 40.9 ml Na2HPO4 and 9.1 ml citric acid and make the volume to 100ml.
  5. Working solution
    • It is prepared by mixing Giemsa stock solution, phosphate buffer solution and methanol.
    • Giemsa stock solution = 5ml
    • Phosphate buffer solution = 50ml
    • Methanol = 1.5ml
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 6:56 AM