

Inner walls of syringe and ampoules were wetted with EDTA(anticoagulant) to prevent coagulation of blood cells. Few drops of EDTA could also be put in the ampoule and syringe to further restrict the coagulation.

Anesthetise the fish using Benzocaine and collect the blood samples from gill region.

The blood could also be collected from the dorsal or ventral aorta or the heart, if the fish is smaller or from the caudal region if the specimen is larger.

Now, the collected blood sample can be kept in sample bottle. Few drops of blood can be placed on a clean slide and with help of another slide a smear is formed. The smear is now kept in open air to allow the blood cells to be air dry and stain with Giemsa solutionĀ and fix on the slide.

After few minutes the slide could be washed in tap water and let dry in open air.

Now, the slide can be viewed under a compound microscope.Different types of blood cells like WBC and RBC could be seen on the slide.

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 6:22 AM