Thermal Protective Wear Thermal Protective Wear


Thermal Protective Wear

A thermal protective wear is mainly used to cover a person to minimize both the convective and evaporative heat loss from his body. Like immersion suit thermal protective wear can be worn over the lifejacket and cover the whole body except the face. When a person with thermal protective wear finds difficulties in swimming it is possible him to remove in water with in 2 min. It provides thermal insulation to the body in temperatures ranging from -30°C to +20 °C.

Thermal protective wear shall

a) be constructed with waterproof materials, which reduces the risk of heat stress during rescue operations

b) be covers the whole body with the exception of the head

c) be unpacked and donned without assistance within 2 min

d) not burning or melting after being exposed to fire for a period of 2 seconds

e) facilitate lateral field of vision of at least 120°.

f) be marked with instructions

Last modified: Thursday, 21 June 2012, 11:17 AM