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Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
Topic 7
Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Course Outlines 3 (2+1)
Course Outlines 3 (2+1)
Module 1: Hygienic milk
Lesson 1. Introduction and significance of dairy microbiology
Lesson 2. Sources of contamination of milk
Lesson 3. Hygienic milk production
Module 2: Classification of dairy microorganisms
Lesson 4. Morphology and classification of dairy bacteria
Lesson 5. Characteristics of important microorganisms – I
Lesson 6. Characteristics of important microorganisms – II
Lesson 7. Characteristics of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms – I
Lesson 8. Characteristics of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms – II
Lesson 9. Characteristics of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms – III
Lesson 10. Characteristics of dairy associated fungi and bacteriophages
Module 3: Microorganisms associated with milk
Lesson 11. Microorganisms associated with raw milk and their significance – I
Lesson 12. Microorganisms associated with raw milk and their significance – II
Lesson 13. Role of psychrotrophs in milk
Lesson 14. Effect of processing on microorganisms in milk
Module 4: Microbiological methods of milk testing
Lesson15. Qualitative and quantitative methods of milk testing
Lesson 16. Dye reduction test
Lesson 17. Direct microscopic count (DMC)
Lesson 18. Standard plate count (SPC)
Lesson 19. Coliform counts in Milk
Lesson 20. Methods of Enumeration of other groups of bacteria
Lesson 21. Enumeration of yeast and moulds in Milk
Module 5: Microbial spoilage of milk
Lesson 22. Role of microbes in spoilage of milk – Microbial interactions
Lesson 23. Milk fermentations
Lesson 24. Abnormal milk fermentations
Module 6: Mastitic milk
Lesson 25. Mastitic milk – Suitability for processing and public health significance
Lesson 26. Detection of mastitic milk
Module 7: Milk borne diseases
Lesson 27. Food infection, intoxication and toxi-infection
Lesson 28. Milk borne diseases
Module 8: Antimicrobial substances in milk
Lesson 29. Antimicrobial substances in milk
Last modified: Tuesday, 6 November 2012, 6:02 AM