Oil seed cake/ meal and their nutritive value


  • Oil bearing seeds are grown for many purposes like vegetable oil for human, for paints and other industrial purposes.
  • The byproducts left after extraction of oil from oil seeds are used for feeding all kinds of livestock.
  • Oil content and protein content varies according to the method of processing.
  • Three main processes are used for removing oil from oil seeds. 
    • Use pressure to force out oil (ghani and expeller).
    • Use of an organic solvent to dissolve the oil from the seed.
  • Material of higher oil content undergoes modified screw pressing to lower the oil content to a suitable level followed by solvent extraction.
  • Only material with oil content of less than 35% is suitable for solvent extraction.

Processes to remove oil

  • Ghani / Expeller –   Use pressure to force out oil.
  • Organic solvent –Solvents dissolve oil.
  • Expeller followed by solvent – (High oil Materials).Use force followed by solvent extraction

Nutritive value


  • Oil seed proteins have low cysteine and methionine and  lysine content.
  • Therefore they cannot provide adequate supplementation to the cereal proteins with which they are commonly used.
  • They should be used in conjunction with an animal protein when given to simple stomached animal.
  • 95% of the nitrogen in oil seeds meals is present as true protein with digestibility of 75-90%.



  • Vegetable protein sources are low in Lysine, Methionine & Cystein


  • When the oil content is high in the oil seed cakes, it makes a significant contribution to the energy content of the diet.
  • This purely depends upon the process employed in extracting oil and its efficiency.
  • Digestive disturbances may occur from uncontrolled use of cakes rich in oil.
  • Milk or body fat may be soft and carcass quality is lowered when the oil is unsaturated.


  • Vegetable protein source in conjunction with cereals will be low in Lysine & Methionine


  • The oil seed meals usually have high phosphorus content, which generally tend to aggravate their low calcium content.
  • They may provide useful amount of B vitamins but poor sources of carotene and vitamin E.
  • Commonly used oil cake / meals in livestock feed are groundnut or peanut oil meal, soybean oil meal, linseed meal, coconut meal, cotton seed meal, safflower meal, sunflower meal, mustard cake, sesame seed meal, rape seed meal, palm kernel meal etc.



  • High Phosphorus & Vitamin B

Last modified: Saturday, 27 August 2011, 12:50 PM