Emetic reflex
Emesis is the regurgitation of materials from stomach and upper intestine through oesophagus to oral cavity.
This reflex is initiated by irritating stimuli from vicera.(pharynx, stomach, duodenum, heart, uterus) or from external auditory canal.
Protective mechanism to remove the irritating stimuli.
Motion sickness results due to irritation of the vestibular receptor organs. This particular event involves the participation of flocculonodular lobe of cerebellum.
This reflex is preceded by salivation & swallowing.
The nerves of afferent limbs are glossopharyngeal, vagus or vestibular and visceral afferent of the spinal cord (for abdominal/pelvic visceral).
Emetic center is located in the caudal medulla.
Cells present in chemo receptor triggerzone of medulla can also initiate emesis on stimulation by specific chemical (apomorphine, ergot alkolids morphine, glycosides or metobolites of systemic acidosis, alkolosis, uremia)
The central neural mechanism of efferent limb includes nerves supplying to
Smooth muscles of G.I tract.
Skeletal muscle of larynx, pharynx, thorax, abdominal wall.
Effernt nerve of emeticreflex causes closure of glottis with inhibition of inspiration; These together produce negative pressure in the intrathoracic and oesophagus.
Relaxation of cardia, fundus, body of the stomach and oesophagogastric cardiac sphincter prior to act of vomiting.
Followed by forceful contraction of the abdominal muscle.
This result in movement of content of stomach to oesophagus.
Closure of nasopharynx prevents the entry of contents to respiratory organs.
Powerful antiperistalsis with negative I/oesophageal pressure expels the content to oral cavity.
Creation of negative pressure by forceful inspiration against closed glottis and strong abdominal muscle contraction is important than antiperistalsis.
Relaxation of pyloris allow contents from duodenum to oesophagus and then to oral cavity.
Efferent fibers also reaches salivatory nucleus to initiate salivation before emesis to prevent oral mucosa from acid contents.
Fibers project to respiratory and cardiac centre to modify appropriately the B.P and the rate of respiration.
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 December 2011, 6:38 AM