Role of reticular formation


  • Ascending projections to the BSRF to cortex involves in maintenance of cortical excitability and consciousness.
  • Wakefulness depend on an adequate impulse from BSRF through the Ascending Reticular Activating System( ARAS) and Diffuse Thalamo Cortical Projection System( DTPS)
  • Neuro humoral theory suggests the involvement of noradrenaline and serotonin in sleep- wakefulness rhythm.
  • Noradrenaline from nerve endings of medullary cells have positive influence on ARAS and maintain wakefulness. It also responsive for phasic events of sleep like rapid eye movement( REM).
  • Serotonin produced by the midbrain raphe nucleus is a depressant acting on the BSRF and diminishes the ascending reticular drive, ultimately end up in sleep.
  • Acetyl choline balances the action of NE and serotonin in sleep – wakefulness rhythm.
  • Melatonin- pineal hormone causes sleep and act as a trigger switching the reticular system to act through other neurotransmitter .
Last modified: Friday, 27 May 2011, 6:41 AM