Spino reticular tract


  • Arise bilaterally from all levels of the spinal cord.
  • Terminate within many portions of the nuclei of the Brain stem reticular formation. These nuclei all receive afferents from the spinal cord.
  • Nucleus lateralis reticularis: Projects fibers ipsilateral to cerebellar cortex
  • Nucleus reticularis paramedianus: Projects fibers both ipsilateral and contralateral to cerebellar cortex. This forms another spino reticular  cerebellar pathway
  • Roller nucleus and Nucleus intrafascicularis: Project fibers ipsilateral to cerebellar cortex and forms a third spino reticular cerebellar pathway
  • Nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis: Forms a fourth spino reticular  cerebellar pathway

  • Important in many facets of normal activity.
  • Carry sensory information from the skin and deep tissues and play an important role in the regulation of somatic and visceral motor activity.
  • In maintenance of consciousness and perception .
  • Accommodation of motor activities occur if this is transected bilaterally in domestic animals.
  • Relay ascending activity to higher centers of the brain.
  • Significant in pain perception.
  • Modify respiration by terminating some of the fibers on nucleus  of the pneumotaxic center.
  • Control  micturition.
  • The tract terminates on neurons of the BSRFand serves as a feedback system for control of spinal cord activities.
Last modified: Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 11:12 AM