Demonstration of the motor control of the brain


Demonstration of the motor control of the brain

  • Motor control system of the brain is studied by removal of a particular portion and observing the alterations in the somatic motor activity.

Decorticate preparation

  • Demonstrated in cat or dog.
  • In such preparations cerebral cortex with underlined white matter will be removed.
  • Such animal will exhibit normal standing posture.
  • When the animals are suspended in space they extend their limbs.
  • This extension disappears when they contact the supporting surface.
  • In such preparations tactile placing and visual placing reflexes are absent.
  • Vestibular placing, tonic reflexes and body righting reflexes are present.
  • Righting reflex
    • To perform righting reflex and progressive movement certain brain structures are necessary.
    • They are sub thalamic nucleus, Red nucleus, substantia nigra with inter connecting fiber tracts, basal ganglia, reticular formation and cerebellum.
    • These enters responsible for righting reflexes are located within the rostral mid brain. This can be demonstrated in amphibians/animals when it is put on its back it immediately rights itself.
    • When it is placed in water it swims. Frog response to various stimuli by jumping and crawling. 

Decerebrate preparation

  • This preparation emphasis the importance of the motor activity of structures or parts of the brain anterior to the pons and lower mid brain.
  • This preparation is done by transection of the brain stem at the level of mid brain.
  • Such animal exhibit pronounced antigravity rigidity that is depended on hyper excitability of the segmental myotatic reflex.
  • This is known as “Decerebrate rigidity”.

  • This is primarily due to hyper excitability of gamma motor neurons. Hence, otherwise known as “GAMMA RIGIDITY”.
  • Transecting the dorsal root supply to the particular limb will be abolished by this rigidity.
  • The higher centre responsible for the development of rigidity is located within pontine reticular formation.
  • During this preparation pontine reticular formation is relieved from inhibitory influences of cerebral cortex.
  • Other portion of brain stem reticular formation is also renowned of inhibitory influences from brain stem.
  • These causes increase in reticulo spinal excitation on gamma motor neurons supplying intra fusal fibres.
  • To maintain the decerebrate rigidily cerebellum and verticular system play a major role.
  • In the decerebrate preparation, tonic labyrinth and tonic neck reflexes are elicited.
  • Vestibulo spinal tracts are major system contributed to decerebrate rigidly.
  • Righting reflexes like vertibular lighting reflexes are absent in these preparation. They stand when placed in a standing position but they cannot be moved.
  • Decrebrated animal will have increase in muscle tone of both flexors and extensors of the fore limbs.
  • The limbs become pillars while standing and tail become erect and horizontal.
  • Head is extended and body shows hyper extension (hobby/cortoon/caricature animal)
  • Increase in muscle tone is due to intact vestibulo spinal tract but, removal of inhibitory reticulo spinal tract.
  • Normal standing posture is exaggerated.
  • Stretching postural reflexes like stretch reflex, supporting reactions, tonic reflexes labyrinth reflexes are present.
Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 5:47 AM