Spinal animal


  • Spinal animal is prepared either transecting at the spinomedullary junction or by ligating both carotid arteries and the mid-vertebral artery to arrest the brain activities.
  • Frog's head behind the tympanic membrane is transected to separate spinal cord from the brain. Transection is to be done below the foramen magnum.
  • In these preparation when frog is palced on its back there is no spontaneous movement due to complete paralysis of the movement.
  • When a portion of a skin is pricked with the needle no withdrawal reflex is noticed.
  • This is known as “Spinal shock depression of the spinal function and is reversible.
  • Spinal shock is removed in few minutes in a frog and few hours in a dog.
  • Regaining from the spinal shock certain reflex activity are seen.
  • When one of the limb is pulled down it is quickly drawn up.
  • Withdrawal of the limb is noticed on pinching. (flexor reflex)
  • If one of the limb is stimulated with the greater force all the limbs are flexed.
  • However, respiratory movement voluntary movement righting reflexes are absent (they can’t swim when they place in the water).
  • Except basic stretch reflex and supporting reactions all the other reflexes are absent.

Thalamic animal

Last modified: Friday, 27 May 2011, 9:20 AM