Visual pathway


  • Hyperpolarization of rods and cones alter the activity of bipolar cells.
  • Impulse frequency of ganglion cells too get altered.
  • Horizontal cells influence Bipolar cells, Amacrine cells influence ganglion cells to detect contrast and contour.
  • Axons of ganglion cells project as OPTIC NERVE to the lateral geniculate nucleus of THALAMUS (visual relay area) and the cells of this area project to VISUAL CORTEX  (The Occipital Lobe)
  • Axons of ganglion cell travel with optic nerve to optic Chiasma where crossing of right and left optic nerve occurs. So they travel to the respective side of lateral geniculate body. Images from left field is perceived at right visual cortex and right field is perceived at left visual cortex.
  • Few fibers of optic nerve ends in the Superior Colliculi of mid brain and pretectal nucleus of the brainstem for Reflex activity.

Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 6:51 AM