All forage diets for sheep and goats
Sheep prefer grazing close to the ground whereas goats like browsing on newer leaves of herbs shrubs with variable grass cover. Indian sheep of Northern plains and Southern parts are mostly mutton type.
A few breeds produce a small amount of rough carpet wool. Sheep in different tropical and sub tropical zones are mostly reared on grazing in semi arid areas or on the stubbles left after harvesting of crops.
Goats like browsing and some breeds are difficult to adopt for stall feeding Jamunapari goats if not maintained, milk production outside their home tract will further reduce on stall feeding.
Diversified breeds of goats ranging from the heavy breeds like Janumapari, Beetal and osmana (body weighting 50-80kg adult body weights) to light breeds like black bengal weighting (15-25kg adult body weight) are in existence. (Heavier milk type are mostly born one kid).
For the optimum utilization of inherent milk production potential of goats it is essential to supplement the grazing, browsing through the feeding of energy rich concentrate mixture. However, on the feeding of palatable forages, goats are capable to consume a large quantity of dry matter (4-5% of body weight).
Under feeding systems on grazing and browsing lactating goats produce about 0.5 to 2.0 kg milk and male kids grow to 7-12 kg body weight in light breeds and 15-35 kg in large breeds at about 10-12 months of age. At this stage males are marketed for meat and yield good quality carcass providing higher proportion of meat.
Last modified: Monday, 1 August 2011, 7:46 AM