Epidemiology and pathogenesis



  • Tapeworm infections are common in free range birds than the intensive system of rearing. Since free range birds have more access to eat I/H than birds reared under confined environment.
  • Sometimes heavy tapeworm infection occurs in intensive system of management due to this system provide conducive environment for breeding of I/H like flies, beetles and ants.


  • D. proglottina is most pathogenic tapeworm. The worms are penetrate deeply between the villi causes necrosis and haemorrhagic enteritis. Sometimes death may occur due to intestinal obstruction.
  • Chronic infection characterized by reduced growth rate, emaciation and weakness.
  • R. echinobothridia is most pathogenic causes nodules formation in the intestine is called as “Nodular taeniasis” in poultry. Hyperplastic enteritis may also occur.
  • All other tapeworms are less pathogenic but in heavy infection results in reduced egg production and general weakness.
Last modified: Saturday, 11 February 2012, 7:57 AM