Digestive system


  • Mouth is situated at anterior extremity sometimes it may be subdorsal or subventral.
  • Mouth is surrounded by lips. In Ascarids the mouth is surrounded by three lips one dorsal and two lateral and each lip possess two papillae.
  • In spirurids the mouth is surround by two lips each lip possess three papillae and subdivided into three parts. In the members of Strongylidae the lips are absent.
  • Instead of lips the secondary structures may be developed known as ‘leaf crown’. It consists of number of pointed process. The leaf crown arises from the rim of the mouth called as external leaf crown.
  • Those leaf crown arising from brim of the buccal capsule is known as internal leaf crown.Eg. Oesophagostomum spp.
  • In some spp. the buccal capsule has a thick cuticular wall or teeth like structure. Eg. Ancylostomum spp.
Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2011, 4:43 AM