Development and hatching of nematode eggs


  • Original egg cell divide into 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on. The developmental stage consists of morula and tadpole stage. After completion of larval development the eggs are ready to hatch. Hatching of eggs depends on the species of worms.
  • Eggs may hatch outside the host i.e., in the environment or may hatch after ingested by D/H or I.H.Eg. In Ascarid – the egg hatch only after ingested by the D/H.
  • In Spirocerca lupi – the egg hatch only after ingested by the I/H.
  • In Strongyle spp. – the egg hatch in the environment, that is out side the host.
  • Hatching of the eggs in the environment is controlled by temperature, moisture, larval movement and enzymes secreted by larva.
  • Hatching of eggs inside the host is controlled by host stimuli like CO2 concentration.
Last modified: Thursday, 19 August 2010, 6:05 AM