Setaria digitata


Common name Peritoneal worm of herbivores
Size Male : 4.6 cm ; Female : 6-12 cm
Cattle and buffaloes.
Peritoneal cavity.
Cerebrospinal nematodiasis / kumri
Immature forms are found in central nervous system of horses, sheep and goats
Head end
  • Presence of peribuccal ring
  • Prominent notched dorsal and central processes
  • Prominent triangular crescent shaped lateral processes
Male tail end
  • The hind end is twisted and is tapering.
  • Spicules are unequal and dissimilar.
  • A pair of finger like lateral processes are present on either side of the tail end.
Female tail end
  • Tail ends in a simple button (smooth knob).
  • Two prominent rounded lateral appendages on either side of tail end.

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 10:13 AM