Spirocerca lupi


Common name Oesophageal worm or Gullet worm of dog
Size Male : 3-5.5 cm; Female : 5.4-8 cm
Oesophagus, cardiac end of stomach, aorta
Intermediate host Coprophagus beetles
Transport host Garden lizards, frogs, mice, chicken
Pathogenesis Oesophageal tumour in dogs
Head end
  • Hexagonal mouth with 2 trilobed lateral lips.
  • Short funnel shaped pharynx.
Male tail end
  • Caudal end is coiled and blunt.
  • Spicules unequal and dissimilar.
  • The male tail bears lateral alae, four pairs and one unpaired median pre cloacal papillae and two pairs of post-cloacal papillae.
  • A group of minute papillae is situated at the tip.
  • Rudimentary gubernaculum.

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 10:15 AM