

  • Very difficult since the flies breed far away from habitations and the flies can fly 3-5 kms or more in search of hosts.
  • Since they are exophilic, medicated screen can be used in animal houses and animals must be restrained within the houses during the fly season.
  • The breeding areas of the flies are highly fragile eco systems, use of chemicals in such areas is not warranted.
  •  WHO has recommended the use of a biodegradable product – Abate(Temephos) to be sprayed aerially using helicopters .This is a part of the 20 year programme along the nile river to control river blindness in man.
  • Cholphoxim can be used in areas where resistance to abate has developed.
  • For poultry, dust baths with 0.5% Lindane is recommended.
  • Biological control using Bacillus thuringiensis has been attempted.
Last modified: Thursday, 24 June 2010, 5:20 AM