Effect on the host
Direct Effect
Annoyance, painful bites resulting in severe reactions which may lead to death of an individual
Petechial haemorrhages especially on areas of fine skin, oedema of throat and abdomen is common
Flies enter the natural orifices especially the nose, eyes, ears and mouth of individuals
The flies attack in swarms and gadding is seen in animals
Milch cows are badly bitten and the teats are bloody and blocked or so sore that they do not tolerate milking, calves can not suckle
Repeated biting in man results in a syndrome called the black fly fever. This is characterised by headache, fever, sweating, shivering, nausea, swelling and tenderness of the lymphnodes, aching joints, lassitude and psychological depression
Causative agents : S. venustum, S. erythrocephalum, S. posticalum.
Indirect Effect (vector potentiality)
Transmits Leucocytozoon smithi in turkeys and L. simondi in ducks
Intermediate host for Onchocerca gutturosa in cattle and O. volvulus of man which is very important since the filarid is the cause of river blindness in man
Mansonella ozzardi?
It also transmits eastern equine encephalitis virus and vesicular stomatitis virus in cattle
Last modified: Thursday, 24 June 2010, 5:20 AM