Female flies are viviparous, oviposit one larvae at a time in sheltered spots off the host such as crevices in mud walls
They are creamy white, flattened posterior end with dark spiracular plates
The larvae pupates immediately within 4-6 hours
Initially its yellow in colour and then turns red black in colour
The pupal stage gives rise to the adults usually in 4 weeks
The adult female fly attaches to the host in areas which are thin and hairless and feeds frequently several times
In horses it is seen feeding under the tail/genitlia, in cows the tail, udder region, in buffaloes the inner aspect of the thigh, genitalia while in dogs the ears and the neck region are preferred feeding sites
They feed for long periods on blood of their hosts and their claws are so efficient that neither the host, nor human beings can dislodge them easily
Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2011, 5:58 AM