Effect on the host



  • The keds are permanent ectoparasites and live on the host and suck blood, large infestations can result in anaemia
  • The irritation caused by the biting fly is so great that its feeding is impaired- loss of condition of the sheep
  • The infested animal bites the wool, rubs the body on hard objects which in turn leads to injury to the animal and damage to the wool
  • The bites and the wounds are susceptible to myiasis
  • The excreta of the ked stains the wool,  the stain cannot be washed off, so downgrading of wool occurs
  • The skin blemish affects the quality of leather
  • Heavy infestation leads to a condition called ‘sheep cockle or rib cockle’ – the affected skin is pitted due to allergic reaction to the bite of the ked which results in scattered brown nodules on the skin.  There is also vertical ridging of the skin.  The nodules cannot be flattened out and they are impermeable to dyes – this results in extensive loss to the leather garment industry
  • Another condition reported due to sheep ked is ‘back loss’ wherein the intense irritation leads the sheep to fall on its back to alleviate the irritation, then its unable to rise, suffocates and dies


  • Transmits a non pathogenic Trypanosoma melophagium
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 June 2010, 11:00 AM