Points to be considered


  • Strand wire fence is easy to construct. Even though it is satisfactory for ostriches, emu can escape out, especially when they are running.
  • Barbed wire is also not recommended, as ratites, especially emu tend to walk the length of the fence, rubbing themselves against the fence, and the barbs can cause injury. If possible, a top rail for the fence should also be considered for extra strength.
  • All wire fasteners used to secure the fence and wire should be turned to the outside of the enclosure to minimize injury. Wherever possible, poles and supports should also rather be on the outside of the fence. The recommended height is 5 to 6 feet for adult bird, for small birds, 3 feet height chain link is preferred.
  • All outdoor enclosures should have one long side to allow for natural running behaviour and acute angles in fencing should be avoided.
Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 9:42 AM