Selection of site for emu and ostrich farm
Farm location: Distance from traffic and industrial areas is an important factor to consider. Disturbances caused by heavy traffic, airports, factories, trains, etc. can affect the birds' performance, particularly during breeding. Overhead high-voltage cables can emit electromagnetic radiation.
Land topography: Ostriches prefer flat open terrain, therefore hilly, mountainous, sloping, rocky or steep ground is not suitable since. Sandy soil devoid of nails, screws, wires, holes etc., is best for efficient water drainage.
Availability of water and electricity supply: Supply of power and potable water with low salt is essential for an ostrich farm. A stand -by generator, however, is a must for the hatchery.
Positioning of buildings: The location of farm buildings should be in such a way toallow easy condction of daily operations. Breeders' quarter should be away from the brooding/rearing facilities. If land availability is a problem, breeders' facilities should be located downwind, to minimize transfer of disease from breeders to rearing facilities.
Design of facilities: The lay out of the farm should facilitate easy drainage of water. Loading (and unloading) bays should also be made available. Interior surfaces and fences should be free from any sharp objects. Barbed wire should never be used on an ostrich farm since it causes heavy injuries to the birds.
Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 9:44 AM