

  • Select a clean, scratch free, flat bottom Petridish and pour the melted agarose.
  • After the agarose has solidified, with the help of the template and gel cutter, pattern of wells are cut. The inter-well distance can be varied from 4 to 6mm. The agarose from the wells can be removed with the help of needle. Seal the bottom of wells with the help of 0.5% melted agarose gel.
  • Add hyper serum in the central well .
  • Add test samples (antigen) in the  peripheral wells with known positive and negtie control antigen..
  • Cover the plate with the lid and incubate at 37 0 C in the box under humid atmosphere (to prevent drying to the gel) for 24 to 72 hours.
  •  Results can be read periodically at every 24 hours.
  • A single antigen will give rise to a single precipitation line in presence of homologous antibody.
Last modified: Friday, 24 June 2011, 10:45 AM