

  • Counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) is based on the principle of immunodifussion together with electrophoresis to drive the antigen and antibody toward each other.
  • The specimen to be tested (antigen) is placed in the cathode (-) well, and the antiserum (antibody) is placed in the anode (+) well.
  • At neutral or alkaline pH, antigens are negatively charged and will migrate toward the anode under the influence of electric field.
  • Immunoglobulins on the other hand, will be swept to the cathode by the streaming of buffer ions, an effect known as endosmosis.
  • A precipitation line is formed at the region of the field containing the optimum proportion of antigen and antibody.
  • 1% agarose in barbital or Manthoney's buffer casted on microscopic slide is used to conduct the test.

Counter current

Counter immunoelectrophoresis

Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2011, 4:48 AM