Larynx - Ox
It is situated partly between the two vertical rami of mandible and medial pterygoid muscles and partly between the two parotid salivary glands
It is related dorsally to pharynx and oesophagus; Ventrally to skin, fascia, sternothyrohyoideus and omohyoideus muscles; Laterally, to parotid and submaxillary salivary glands and medially pterygoid muscle, digastricus and stylohyoideus muscles/font>
It is attached to the body and thyroid cornua of the hyoid bone and the pharynx
The cavity communicates above with the pharynx and behind with the trachea/font>
The larynx is made up of a framework of cartilages connected by ligaments and moved by muscles and is lined internally by mucous membrane
The cartilages are cricoid, thyroid, arytenoid and epiglottis. Of these, the arytenoids are paired, and the others unpaired/font>
Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 1:22 PM