Joints, ligaments and membranes


  • The joints formed by the cartilages of the larynx are,
    • Cricothyroid between the cricoid and caudal cornu of the thyroid (syndesmoses)
    • Crico-arytenoid between the cricoid and bases of the arytenoid (syndesmoses)
    • Thyro - hyoid between the cranial cornu of the thyroid and thyroid cornu of the hyoid bone (syndesmoses)
  • The chief ligaments are,
    • Hyo-epiglottic which attaches the lower part of the oral surface of the epiglottis to the body of the hyoid bone
    • Thyro - epiglottic which connects the base of the epiglottis with the body and adjacent medial surfaces of the laminae of thyroid
    • The transverse arytenoid which connects the medial angles of the bases of the arytenoid
    • The vocal ligament (caudal thyro-arytenoid) underlies and is intimately adherent to the mucous membrane of the vocal fold
    • It is attached to the vocal process of the arytenoid and the body of the thyroid
    • The ventricular (cranial thyro-arytenoid) ligament is included in the ventricular fold
    • It passes from the thyro- epiglottic ligament to the vocal process of the arytenoid. It is poorly developed
  • The chief membranes of the larynx are,
    • The cricothyroid between the arch of the cricoid and the body of the thyroid
    • Thyro - hyoid membrane between the cranial border of the thyroid cartilage and thyroid cornua of the hyoid bone
    • Crico - tracheal membrane connects the cricoid and first ring of the trachea
Last modified: Thursday, 9 February 2012, 10:08 AM