Species difference

( Sheep, Goat, Horse, Pig, Dog, Rabbit and Fowl )

Sheep and Goat

  • Resembles Ox

Horse (View image)

  • Cricoid is clearly ring shaped
  • Thyroid cartilage is incomplete ventrally, as the lamina fails to meet below to form the body
  • The epiglottis is long and pointed, and is leaf-like
  • Two cuneiform processes extend from the base of the epiglottis upwards and backwards
  • The different joints of the larynx are diarthrodial
  • The vocal cords are large and glottis is very narrow
  • The ventricular folds are more prominent
  • The lateral ventricles are much deeper and each leads into a mucous sac–the laryngeal saccule
  • The base of the epiglottis shows a small middle ventricle between the lower ends of the vocal folds



  • The larynx is remarkable for its great length and mobility
  • The cartilages are more loosely attached to each other than in old animals
  • Cricoid is thick and compressed laterally. Its lamina is long and narrow
  • Thyroid cartilage is very long and the laminae are united ventrally to form a median ridge
  • The cranial cornua are absent whereas the caudal one is broad and articulate with cricoid cartilage
  • Epiglottis is relatively large and closely attached to hyoid bone than the rest of the larynx
  • Arytenoids are very large and are divided into two parts at its extremity
  • A median laryngeal recess is present in the floor of the vestibule
  • The vestibular folds are absent
  • The caudal part of the vocal ligament and the thyroarytenoideus form the bulk of the vocal fold


Dog (View image)

  • It is very short
  • Cricoid is wider above
  • The epiglottis is quadrilateral
  • The separate cuneiform cartilages are large
  • The laryngeal saccule is extensive and lies lateral to both true and false vocal cords



  • The thyroid cartilage forms the greater portion of the larynx
  • Cricoid cartilage is small and cylindrical
  • A pair of small arytenoid cartilage is at the margin of the glottis
  • The epiglottis projects dorsally into the pharynx. The tip of the epiglottis is rounded but bifurcated



  • The larynx consists of cranial and caudal parts
  • The cranial part of larynx made up of cricoid-epiglottis
  • The caudal part is at the point of bifurcation of trachea into two primary bronchi and dilated to form a cartilaginous compartment called syrinx
  • It is responsible for the production of voice. The membranes present inside the organ produce the voice
  • Between the bronchial openings is a ridge, the carnia and this presents on each side an elastic membrane the internal tympani form membrane
  • These together with two other folds the external tympani form membranes on the bronchi, produce slit-like bronchial openings comparable to the glottis of mammals
  • Tympani form membranes are homologues of the vocal cords of mammals
  • The framework is made up of cricoid and two arytenoids that unite in front
  • It has no vocal cords and hence is not an organ of voice


Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 10:37 AM