Management and Practices in Abattoir
There are two main management systems are in practice in abattoir.
System 1
This system may be of Central or State government or of local government like municipal boards, Co-operatives or any private enterprise.
Permanent staff of workers may be employed by the authority to carry out the slaughterhouse operations.
In this system the organisation either takes over the livestock from the owners and return it to traders.
System 2
In system 1, the abattoir is divided into sections for each operational stage.
All are connected by overhead rail system and each section has its own staff specially trained.
When the chain or line system is operated for slaughter and dressing of animals, work is carried out while the animals are hanging from a track bar or rail, along which they are slowly and continuously pushed by a mechanical conveyor or chain.
Men work in a team and the work on each animal is subdivided among them.
A definite part of every animal is allotted to each person and he must confine his activities to the part assigned to him.
To prevent staleness setting in and resulting in the lowering of efficiency, each worker is assigned a new job at regulated intervals.
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 6:10 AM