Reasons for conducting ante-mortem


  • For the immediate detection and isolation of animals affected with infective diseases such as Food and Mouth Disease, Black quarter, Rinderpest, Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Contagious Bovine Pleura Pneumonia.
  • To prevent the infection of those engaged in slaughter with diseases contagious to man such as anthrax, rabies, ganders, etc.
  • For the detection of intoxications and infective diseases in which viscera and flesh shown only slight changes, e.g. tetanus. In order to simplify and render more easy the examination after slaughter.
  • Where any system of insurance exists, to detect those which are evidently or presumably diseased so that they may be excluded from insurance.
  • To defer the slaughter of the animals which are exhausted or overheated through transportation.
  • Ante-mortem Inspection facilitates Postmortem Inspection for e.g.FMD and Nervous symptoms
  • To prevent inhumane handling of livestock.
  • To help in export trade of meat.
  • To produce wholesome meat to the consumer.
  • Ante-mortem inspection is of special importance in the handling and examination of casualty and emergency slaughter stock.
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 8:34 AM