Objectives of Meat Inspection


  • To prevent diseased or otherwise unwholesome meat being marketed or being offered for sale for human consumption.
  • To detect outbreaks of animals plagues, such as Foot and Mouth disease, Contagious Bovine Pleura Pneumonia, Rinderpest, Anthrax, Swine plague, etc.
  • To assist the location of diseased flock.
  • To assist in establishing and fostering large meat export trade by ensuring that all meat shall be clean and wholesome and that the regulations of the importing countries are observed.
  • To ensure that all meat intended for human consumption shall be prepared, stored and marketed under hygienic conditions.
  • To enforce humane methods of slaughter.
  • To protect man and lower animals indirectly by interrupting the life cycle of certain parasites, e.g. Echinococcus granulosus.
  • To protect the honest butcher from unfair competition.
  • To prevent fraudulent substitution.
  • To ensure that flesh and organs which have been condemned shall be disposed off in a harmless and when practicable in an economic manner.  
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 8:21 AM