Inspection Facilities


  • Adequate identification of the live animal is a legal requirement and is essential for farm use for accurate disease information and for identifying the carcass after slaughter for proper payment to the producers for the correct carcass, etc.
  • Among the many recommendations is the need for care in the marking of animals, and the avoidance of unnecessary pain and distress.
  • Many different forms of identification exist including metal, plastic or nylon ear tags; ear tattoos; neck, tail and leg brands; freeze brands; and marking aerosols and paints for cattle, some of which are also use for sheep and pigs.
  • Now-a-days electronic identification and temperature monitoring of animals for the purpose of herd management and disease control through improved trace-back are also in practice. 
  • The system combines a substantially implanted transponder having a temperature measuring capability, several digits of identification, an interrogator receiver and a data-logging device and will eventually be linked with a computer to handle the large volumes of information.
  • Animals that are designated for slaughter must be accompanied by adequate documentation, which along with individual identification, is utilized in the elaboration of the slaughter programme.
  • Ante-mortem facilities must also include properly designed and well-lighted large pens, which must possess an isolation pen and a crush for examination of individual animals.
  • Assistant staff, competent in the handling of livestock, is also necessary components of an efficient veterinary ante-mortem service.
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 8:37 AM