Transportation of Dead or Fallen animals


  • A large number of animals die in developing and under-developed countries because of natural causes, such as diseases etc.
  • Besides, slaughter of cows for food is banned in countries like India. This factor also increases number of fallen animals.
  • Sometimes, condemned material from slaughterhouse is also available for byproduct utilization.
  • It is necessary to hygienically dispose of these fallen animals to avoid decomposition and formation of obnoxious gases.
  • It is also important to process the byproducts of such animals to secure the economic returns.
  • Using road transport modes such as bullock carts or tractor trolleys can efficiently do transportation of dead animals.
  • These modes have the advantages of being flexible, economic, convenient and fairly quick.
  • Bullock carts are most commonly used in our country for carrying the dead animals, if the distance to be traveled is short, or else tractor trolleys are also quite convenient.
  • The floor of these vehicles should be bedded with straws and be made free from any projections, otherwise bruising of the hides or skins of the dead animals lower the cost of material.
  • The transportation of condemned material from slaughterhouse should be done in closed vehicles to the byproduct plant.
  • The vehicles may be labelled as carrying as inedible animal byproducts. 
Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2010, 5:36 AM